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martes, 26 de mayo de 2015

I wish I could just stand on the water and photograph her. She was seating with her knees bent and softly warming the pale skin of her legs with her now dry hands. It is one of the first really warm days of this summer. It has actually turned warmer with the hours starting as an acceptable sunny day turning into a really summery afternoon. With an orange sun descending from the sky over the grass. It took long hours for it to finally disappear behind the buildings of the big city, from which you can escape in a matter of minutes if you really want to. Today we really wanted to. It seems like summer got here now that she can see land again from a raging sea. It makes me so happy to be around her that I find it extremely hard to feel compassionate and understand her suffering. I feel this life has so much meaning with her in it that I don't understand when she can't see no meaning. I just don't get it, even I know it's a stupid thing to think but, how can you feel low when you are so great? Who has a bigger dream than to be plainly amazing? Because she is. And when we were getting back from our short length escape, her face was orange and she closed her eyes and she was walking towards the sun with the wind blowing her recently dyed purple hair, and she was listening to me, just walking with her eyes closed, so then, when I turned and saw her, I stayed in silence, and I thought about the silence we'll experience on the road. The sunsets and the wind and the silence on the road. By her side, scary or easy, everything will be worth a story. Everything will just be light and fulfilling like that special moment when she closed her eyes and thought about how happy she is now that she stepped out the house and visited the horses. Horses, horses, coming in in all directions.

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