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domingo, 26 de abril de 2015

y así se hicieron las 3 de la mañana, hablando de arte, de los amigos y del mundo enorme, y dijiste, que hacer música no es un talento inherente a nadie, por lo tanto nadie está privado de hacerlo, solo hay que tratar, y fuiste tan genial, riéndote, y en silencio, y verborrágico como te ponen las cervezas, y lo que sea que hayas tomado antes de verme que hizo que tus besos tengan sabor a adolescencia subterránea.
Sí, soy poeta.
Sí, tenemos suerte.
Sí, viajaré con vos este verano.

and so it was 3 in the morning, talking about art, and friends, and the huge world, and you said that to make music is not an inherent talent, therefore no one is deprived of doing it, you just have to try, and you were so great, laughing, and in silence, and verbose as you usually become after a few beers, and whatever it was that you were drinking before seeing me, which made your kisses taste like subterranean adolescence. 
Yes, I am a poet.
Yes, we are lucky.
Yes, I will travel with you this summer. 

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