Perhaps it's a test from the Universe, now that you've developed the theory in which through writing, the essence is externalized, that it's impossible to lie unless you are a great writer of fictions, that it's the most direct route to the soul, as chanting Daimoku it is to enlightment. Then perhaps my blind faith may grow stronger, or my own castle collapses. My ego may dissolve, perhaps I'll find answers in your words, maybe I'll become bigger and freer, more naive, perhaps less.
Then maybe the dark voices from below may sing love songs, and in the rain our feet will get wet and cold and our fat heavy jackets may do no more than to interfere in our embrace. Perharps you are more real than everything I've learned in years, maybe the intensity is heartbreaking as Alejandra's suicidal impulses. Perhaps it's impossible to disguise it. Perhaps the first pulsar discovered nourishes your blood, and so you write. who knows? Who am I to doubt you? I only exist in your world to create you. To make you poem. Negligible powerful madness. If everytime I vent my overwhelming need to write, nothings changes. But this morning while walking down the sunny streets of London post-rain I remembered: our ideas trascend us all. And without knowing this we live and die in the failed attempt of earthly satisfactions. I only know sometimes I do understand this transparent force that it's more than life itself. But I come back. To the invisible poem. To the one that's only for myself. To the one that will remain lost in my notebook. Sometimes not even that. To the one that perhaps, one in a million karmic combinations, may make (only)you smile.
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