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miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

Only Losers run for a bus - By Giles Coren
There is nothing wrong with getting a bus. Nothing in any way demeaning about boarding a huge smelly communal vehicle that will rumble noisily and very slowly in the vague direction of the place you need to get to and then dump you half a mile away in the freezing wind and rain. At certain times, needs must. But do not run for that thing. Do not give it that satisfaction. Do not demonstrate to all the world (and to yourself) how easily your miserable life can be destroyed by 15 minutes of tardiness here or there...
For you may not make it. With your bags, phone and newspaper clasped to your chest you may sprint in unsuitable shoes on a wet pavement, slipping and scraping like a duck landing on a frozen lake, and arrive just as the bus pulls away, to find a queue of people staring at you, enjoying your pain but pulling sympathy faces for the hell of it. You’re a failure. Not for choosing to travel by bus, but for wanting this one so much and failing to get it.

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